更多的生意在那里. 以下是如何联系今天的潜在客户和明天的客户.

Finding new listings is one of the most important tasks in real estate—it’s how you get business. And knowing where to find them is more important than ever during this unprecedented housing market.

In 任何 在市场中,花时间培养潜在客户总是值得的. Three real estate educators share what you can do now to locate future opportunities.


Your personal and professional contacts are a pipeline of referrals and repeat business. 蒂娜·威尔彻(Tina Wilcher)表示,与已经了解情况的人一起工作更容易, 就像, 信任你而不是建立新的关系. “We have a lot of business in our contacts, and we don’t even reach out to those people. 为了得到更多的生意, 代理商应该努力培养, 培养, 并发展他们已有的关系,她说。.

“Now that we’re coming to the end of this pandemic, meet with people,” adds Jodi Sherretts. “站在他们前面. Take someone to coffee; invite someone to lunch. 参与你的行业. 参加活动,做一些事情.”

2021十大正规彩票app是一项身体接触的运动,Darian Rausch说. 你的目标应该是建立你的联系人列表. 电子邮件营销仍然是一种有效的营销方式. “I always tell everybody you need to feed the beast, and that beast is your database. 你需要走出去,与公众接触. 你需要和你的邻居交流. 你需要参与你的势力范围, 你必须不断地出去认识新朋友,并被介绍给别人.”


Sherretts was never comfortable with how she was taught to network: asking if 任何one knew someone interested in buying or selling. 她宁愿在谈话中自然地提起这个话题. She might tell prospects a funny story from her experience or something interesting she saw while buying or selling. “When I talk about it, it’s a very subtle reminder that I’m in real estate without saying 嘿,选我!她说。.

Open houses are one of the least expensive ways to generate buyer and seller leads, 特别是当与其他策略相结合时.

劳施主张在公共场合佩戴2021十大正规彩票app名牌. People will see the nametag, strike up a conversation, and ask how the market is doing. 他还2021十大正规彩票app发名片. “Those business cards don’t make you 任何 money just sitting in a box in your desk drawer. 一张25美分的名片可能会变成一笔50万美元的交易.


Handwritten notes add a personal touch and can build relationships that generate referrals. 劳施每隔60到90天就会给频繁接触的人发便条.

“我们生活在这个电子世界, 你给我写了一封私人信件, 把它放在信封里, 把邮票贴在信封上, and went to the post office to drop it off tells me you took time out of your busy day to think of me. 只要写几行就行了,也许只是祝我夏天快乐. 这是一个很棒的小礼物,”他说.

春天,他给客户送野花种子. Clients will often text back photos of the blooming flowers—another touchpoint for those relationships.

劳施可能会给那些经常介绍他做生意的人送一张礼品卡. TREC rules say gifts of merchandise valued at $50 or less do not count as valuable consideration. Bank gift cards that can be converted to cash or credit cannot be used as gifts to unlicensed people in exchange for a referral.


Sellers with expired listings and those trying to sell homes themselves have clearly stated they want to move, Sherretts说. 这些群体可能是你的新客户. “不管出于什么原因——通常是价格——过期的上市都行不通. The next agent who comes along needs to be a problem solver and fix the problem,她说。. “在今天的市场上,上市不应该过期.”

FSBO sellers usually try to sell their homes for about six weeks, she continues. 如果房子卖不出去,卖家通常会聘请经纪人.


Sherretts说 that open houses are one of the least expensive ways to generate buyer and seller leads, 特别是当与其他策略相结合时. “Don’t just stick a sign in the yard and hope someone shows up to your open house. 邀请邻居. 敲敲门. 我知道这很老套,但很管用.”

有些人尝试过一次,不成功就放弃了. 不要放弃——在2021十大正规彩票app行业,坚持才是最有效的.

Invite sellers with expired listings and FSBOs to your open house, so they can see how you work.


社交媒体是2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的重要工具. Shoot for a mix of personal and professional content three or four times per week.

劳施说,你80%的帖子应该有启发性、教育性和娱乐性. 20%应该直接促进你的业务. 利用那些允许你安排未来帖子的平台.

Wilcher adds value by posting educational videos on topics such as decluttering or finding the right contractor for your home. “作为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®,我们知道如何做这么多事情. Educate your clients and prospects with posts 就像 how to prepare your home for selling, 如何让家庭办公室感觉更舒适, 或者如何为孩子们建立一个空间来做他们的工作,她说。.

Sherretts分享幽默的帖子, 古怪的内容, and work-appropriate memes from places such as Facebook group The Lighter Side of Real Estate. “当你把东西放到网上让人们微笑或大笑时, 这会让他们的生活更美好,她说。. 宠物和度假照片通常也很受欢迎.

客户在Facebook上发布的赞美得到了很多关注, 经过许可发布的闭幕照片也是如此. “我从社交媒体上得到了很多推荐. You get the attention that you can see, but there’s even more that you don’t see.”


视频在社交媒体上与客户建立信誉和品牌形象. 你只需要一部智能手机.

考虑给客户发送短视频而不是短信. “这样,他们就能看到你,感受到你的能量,”威尔彻说. “They can hear the excitement in your voice and that you are passionate about what you do.”

Keep your videos to a minute or less; 任何thing longer cannot be 发布 on Instagram, Rausch explains. “一个快速视频有三个组成部分:你的介绍, 你的主要信息, 号召大家行动起来. 它不必是完美的. 如果不是,那就更好了. 你想展示真实的自己.”

他说,招募你的客户为你录制视频. 满意客户的视频推荐对潜在客户非常有吸引力.


威尔彻说,不要只关注你的专业社交媒体账户. 加入并参与行业Facebook群组. 考虑录制播客或被邀请到别人的播客.

威尔彻在Nextdoor等社区论坛上宣传自己是一名资源人士. Remember to refer to TREC and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act rules regarding recommendations of settlement providers.

“有人会问,‘你知道谁能帮我修水管吗?或者“你知道谁能搭屋顶吗??’我说:‘是的,我喜欢. 我是2021十大正规彩票app经纪人,我可以帮你.’”


如果你能跟上你的势力范围, 你可能会听到你的联系人的重大生活事件, 比如搬迁, 退休, 婚姻, 和离婚. 你知道他们可能很快就会买卖房子, 但在当时主动联系他们可能会显得麻木不仁.

Rausch suggests a more long-term strategy: Cultivate relationships with professionals in other fields, so they think of you first when talking with their clients about real estate agents. Getting referrals this way nets you new clients without making you look opportunistic.


“有时候人们只会尝试一次, 当第一次不成功的时候, 他们放弃了,Sherretts说. “不要放弃,因为一次通常不会成功. 在2021十大正规彩票app行业,一致性是行得通的. So if you have one open house and it doesn’t go well, that doesn’t mean never do it again. 这意味着改变你的营销,改变你的广告. 稍微加强一下. 做些不一样的事.”

考虑一下走出你的舒适区,她补充道. “找到适合你的东西. 对一个人有用的东西可能对另一个人不起作用.”