
你不能告诉任何人你要去哪. 去主街111号看一场演出. 四点就能回办公室了吗.“给你的经纪人发这样一条简单的信息, 配偶, or other trusted person so that if something happens and no one hears from you, 他们知道从哪里开始找.

你透露了太多的个人信息. 把谈话的重点放在你刚见到的潜在客户身上, 2021十大正规彩票app, 以及其他与你无关的话题. Someone who wants to buy or sell 2021十大正规彩票app doesn’t need to know where you live, 你家里有谁, 或者你在哪里度假. This advice applies to 社交媒体, too, where you can never be sure who’s seeing your posts.

你把手机放在另一个房间. You may think it’s fine to leave your phone in the kitchen while you show a property so you can focus all your attention on your client. But what if you need to call for help, or someone steals it while you’re a few rooms away?

不要举报可疑的人. Don’t ignore uncomfortable situations because “nothing bad happened.” Reporting suspicious incidents raises awareness and can help prevent future attacks or other crimes.

你以为这不会发生在你身上. Maybe you work in upscale neighborhoods or conduct all your showings during the day. 没关系. 罪犯在所有街区不分时间都有活动. 保持警惕,保证安全.