How do agency relationships relate to procuring cause?

合作经纪人对买受人的代理关系不决定采购事由. However, 合作经纪人披露代理身份的时机可能影响其获得佣金的权利. For example, 如果买方在最后一刻决定要由买方代理代理, 尽管最初的经纪人在关系的早期就透露了他的代理身份, 导致出售的一系列事件可能没有被原始经纪人的任何作为或不作为所破坏. The original broker would be the procuring cause of the sale. On the other hand, 如果代理没有披露她的身份,直到买方寻求有关物业的市场价值的信息, and the buyer feels compelled to obtain the information from another broker, 子代理人未能在一开始就说明其代理身份,可能会导致买方另找经纪人. The second broker would be the procuring cause of the sale.

What is the proper forum for procuring cause disputes?

2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®之间的采购纠纷通常通过仲裁程序解决,因为道德准则第17条中有强制性仲裁规定. 第17条规定,与不同公司有关联的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®之间的合同纠纷必须提交仲裁,而不是诉诸诉讼. 在此类情况下起诉另一REALTOR®收取佣金,然后根据另一方的要求拒绝撤回或驳回诉讼,即构成拒绝根据惯例标准17-1进行仲裁. This would be a violation of the Code of Ethics. However, 如果争议各方都放弃其仲裁权利,则诉讼不违反第17条. 请记住,经纪人(仲裁案件中的REALTOR®委托人)是任何仲裁或诉讼的必要一方.

How is procuring cause defined?

NAR将采购原因定义为“导致交易成功的一系列不间断的因果事件”.“佣金冲突必须基于导致销售的所有相关事实和情况进行评估. Rules of thumb and other predetermined ideas must be disregarded.

尽管NAR提供了广泛的具体因素清单,以考虑在采购引起纠纷, most cases will turn to the following factors:

-If there was an interruption or break in the original series of events, how was it caused and by whom?

第二经纪人进入交易的原因总是应该被仔细审查. For example, 如果原经纪人在看房后三周内没有给买家打电话, 听证小组可能会认定他抛弃了买方,为第二个经纪人的进入铺平了道路. If, on the other hand, 买家和原来的经纪人一起看了房子,第二天通过他的堂兄写了一份报价, the second broker, 然后第二个经纪人可能会被认为在交易中进行了不必要的干预.

我的买家在没有我的情况下参观了一处房产,挂牌经纪人向我的买家展示了该房产. The next morning, the buyer had me write an offer for the property. When I presented the offer to the listing broker, 他说我没有资格拿佣金,因为是他把房子给我的买主看的. Is the listing broker correct?

The answer to this question hinges on who is the procuring cause of the sale, 如果存在采购纠纷,将由仲裁小组作出最终裁决.

采购原因被定义为一系列不间断的因果事件,这些事件导致了成功的交易——一笔交易的完成. NAR提供了仲裁小组在此类争端中应考虑的具体因素的广泛清单. Here are a few of those factors:

-The nature and status of the transaction
-The roles and relationships of the parties
-The conduct of the broker or agent
-Continuity and breaks in continuity
-The conduct of the buyer
-The conduct of the seller

In the question above, the listing broker showed the property. However, an arbitration panel will consider numerous factors, like those listed above, to determine procuring cause of the sale.