Only weeks removed from Hurricane Harvey, 一些受风暴影响地区的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人已经返回工作岗位与客户会面, making presentations, 显示家庭, and helping out in their communities. 但无论你住在哪里,你的工作都能让你站在深受哈维影响的德克萨斯人面前.

如果你从未接受过如何与遭受自然灾害的人们互动的培训, this could be a daunting position to be in, 但在与客户或其他因哈维而遭受损失的人接触时,你可以记住一些最佳做法.

院长火花, 他是美国红十字会在德克萨斯州救灾行动的心理健康负责人, 说经历过灾难的人通常会感到身体不安全,对未来不确定. “你必须努力想办法让人们感到安全,”他说.

一种方法是了解你的社区中有哪些可用的资源, according to 詹妮弗第一, 密苏里大学灾难和社区危机中心的心理健康项目经理. That could be where to find physical shelter, mental health resources, assistance programs, or even community support.

除了为需要与孩子相处策略的父母提供资源之外, 国家儿童创伤压力网络为那些想要更好地帮助那些经历过自然灾害或其他创伤事件的人的非精神健康专业人员提供培训:

  • 《十大网络彩票平台大全》将带领参与者了解如何应对刚刚经历灾难的人
  • 《十大网络彩票平台大全》主要围绕创伤事件幸存者可以用来管理压力和更好地应对逆境的技能展开.

More information on these trainings is at

“When you’re talking to people, think about How can I promote safety? How can I promote comfort? How can I connect them to resources that will help them in the long term?第一个说.

“Help them feel like they’ve got some kind of control,斯帕克斯说, 即使是问他们想喝水还是冰茶这样简单的问题. 他说,他们可能需要指导或帮助他们集中注意力,但让他们成为自己处境的管理者. 斯帕克斯说:“我们需要让他们有能力对自己的生活做出决定。.

Strategies that don’t work

Avoid mentioning silver linings, trying to look for a bright side, telling them to calm down, or saying it’ll get better soon, according to First. Don’t denigrate how they feel affected by the disaster, don’t tell them how they should feel, and don’t make promises you can’t keep, 火花说.

“Follow that person’s lead,第一个说. 同情他们——这听起来真的很难——然后检查他们是否有可以交谈的人, 如果不是, what kind of support or relationship would make them feel comfortable.

Create community connections

“帮助很多人的是社会关系之类的东西,”First说. “These kind of events are experienced collectively. 研究表明,寻找联系和寻找其他人是恢复的最强预测因素之一.”


“I’m seeing ‘Houston Strong’ all over the place,斯帕克斯说. “When you’ve got that kind of community support, that’s good. It helps in the recovery.”

People tend to band together in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, 第一个说, 但重要的是,一旦最初的阶段结束,人们回到应对个人影响的过程中,继续与人们接触.

When you’re talking to people, think about How can I promote safety? How can I promote comfort? How can I connect them to resources that will help them in the long term?

詹妮弗第一, 密苏里大学灾难和社区危机中心的心理健康项目经理

Recovery is an individual process, 第一个说. 对于一些, participating in physical labor, 给人, or other altruistic activities could be helpful. 邀请和你相处融洽的人一起做事可以让他们觉得自己是团队的一部分.

斯帕克斯说,当他评估人们的康复情况时,他会看他们的饮食是否正确, sleeping adequately, getting back to their routine, and not isolating themselves.

灾难发生后的最初几周是你看到很多反应的时候, according to First. “在心理健康领域,我们强调,鉴于发生的事情,这些都是正常的,”她说. “如果这些反应持续了几周,并且干扰了一个人的日常生活,那么这可能是一个潜在的心理健康问题。.”

But we’re still early in the recovery process, 火花说.

First说,试着回到正常的状态和日常生活很重要. 但有时,忙碌的人们会把心理健康放在次要位置,问题就会持续下去. “Then they may need additional support,她说。, 但很大一部分人最终会恢复到正常的功能状态.

“Most people are pretty resilient,斯帕克斯说.